My teaching approach focuses on inclusivity and critical engagement. I am currently teaching undergraduate courses at the National University of Singapore: PL3105, PL3551, and PL3282F. If you have any questions about these courses, email me directly at my NUS account with an email subject that starts with the correponding course number (i.e., PL3105, PL3551, or PL3282F).

PL3105 Social Psychology

Course Descriptions
This course introduces you to methods, findings, and theories of social psychology – the scientific study of social feelings, thought, and behavior. In the first half of the course, we begin by examining how people think, feel, and know (or fail to know) their own self; then we explore how people understand the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of other people. In the second half of the course, we examine what happens when people interact: how groups influence individuals, how individuals influence groups, and how members of groups relate to one another. We conclude by exploring the personal and global impact of social psychology.

Intended Learning Outcomes
  • Describe key theories and empirical research in social psychology.
  • Explain how research in social psychology is conducted.
  • Identify various social forces that influence human behavior in everyday settings, such as home, school, and work.
  • Devise ways to apply social-psychological knowledge to improve real-world outcomes.

Ultimately, we hope that this course helps you not only gain scientific knowledge of social psychology but also develop a critical eye for good vs. bad science. An ability to judge good science goes a long way in the era of misinformation and polarization.

PL3282F Lab in Social Perception

Course Description
This lab course, focused on social perception within social psychology, introduces methodologies for studying the cognitive processes of social perception. Students, working in small groups, will identify a research question, conduct a relevant experiment, and compile a laboratory report on social perception. The course emphasizes hands-on, empirical research experience, culminating in a group project applying theoretical knowledge into practice.

Intended Learning Outcomes
  • Understand the key concepts and theories in the field of social perception.
  • Identify a research question within the area of social perception.
  • Apply appropriate methodologies to conduct an experiment and gather data related to social perception.
  • Analyze collected data and report research findings clearly and accurately in the format of a laboratory report.

PL3515 Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP)

Course Descriptions
You will help with an ongoing project in the lab. This project explores the complexities of variability in social perception, a dynamic process that shapes our understanding and evaluation of people and our environment. The process involves instant judgments about newly met individuals, adjusting impressions based on emotional events, and even associations with objects that remind us of someone. Given that each individual's unique beliefs and experiences heavily influence social perception, variability is the norm rather than the exception. However, existing research mainly draws connections between variability in concepts, such as beliefs about individuals and social groups, and variability in social perception, leaving the roots of these variabilities largely unexplored. 
In this course, each student will be assigned multpile tasks, tailored to their academic interests and skill set. These tasks may include reading and summarizing scholarly articles, participating in online and offline studies and sharing their experiences, creating and checking study materials such as web content or images, attending weekly lab meetings, or developing and modifying studies through various platforms, including basic coding for statistical analysis.